Doug Nicotera shoots photo assignments for local and national clients, bringing 40 years of experience in editorial, journalistic, medical, advertising, and HABS/HAER photography to your project.
Doug’s photographs combine an attention to detail and craftsmanship with a careful eye toward form, light, and composition. He grew up shooting Tri-X, editing Kodachromes on a light table, and used to show his prints in a portfolio book. He has photographed blood vessels in the human retina, inventors in their labs, chocolate desserts in the studio, and architectural copper on the top of a cathedral dome.
Doug holds a degree in photography from Rochester Institute of Technology and a degree in Humanities and an M.Ed. from Penn State University. Doug’s work has been published nationally and internationally, and has merited awards from the Art Director’s Club of Philadelphia, Eastman Kodak Company’s Professional Photographer’s Showcase, Rotary International, Art of the State, and other exhibits and shows.